
Short Stories

& Writing Craft

How to create BUZZ around your book launch

So, you finished your WIP. The brilliant MS you’ve invested time and effort for a long, long time. It’s now been edited, checked, and rechecked until you are convinced there’s nothing else you should take out. Take out, because there’s always something else you could put in. You’ve “killed your darlings”, you’ve shown as much…


Turns out, today’s literary market has very definite ideas as to who should be narrating the story in your book. You think you are narrating your book? Sorry, you are wrong. You are writing your book. The narrator could be one of the characters. In the parlance of the trade, the POV character. Or it…

Nightmare in the stars

STAR CHILD “Step away from the child.” “Why do you worry about these inferior creatures?” “Step away. I will not say it again.” Claws and fangs tore flesh, blood bathed the walls. Hot sticky drops flew from the wounds of the monstrous shapes looming over him and hit his face. He woke up, panting, sitting…


A TALE IN BLACK AND WHITE The flash of lightning illuminated the rain-drenched gray stones of the castle walls. The deep rolling thunder shook his bones soon after. He ran a trembling hand over his brow. Sweat and rain mixed with the dirt and mud covering him. The high wall’s stones suffered the elements for…

Stellar Gift

This short story was inspired by a thought provoking meditative artwork by @SiriOpli. I hope you enjoy it, although, I did not do justice t the haunting image she created. Humankind was on the brink of extinction. Disease ravaged countries, rich and poor alike. The most industrialized and developed countries devised cures and vaccines. However,…

Writer’s legal issues Part 5

Bad reviews and trolls Hi and welcome back to my blog. If it’s your first time here, I hope you enjoy the post and consider visiting every week. We are finally here, The fifth installment of the series of posts regarding the legal problems, tasks, and tribulations all writers and, particularly, authors, face. The very…

Writer’s legal issues, Part 4

The legal plight of authors A five-part series of NOT legal advice by somebody who is confused Part 4 BOOK PRICING AND ROYALTIES Hi and welcome back to my blog. If it’s your first time here, I hope you enjoy the post and consider visiting every week. If you’ve hung on this long, you know…

Writer’s legal issues, part 3

The legal plight of authors A five-part series of NOT legal advice by somebody who is confused Part 3 BECOMING A PUBLISHER Hi and welcome back to my blog. If it’s your first time here, I hope you enjoy the post and consider visiting every week. As you know by now, this is the third…

Writer’s legal issues, part 2

The legal plight of authors A five-part series of NOT legal advice by somebody who is confused Part 2 COPYRIGHT Hi and welcome back to my blog. If it’s your first time here, I hope you enjoy the post and consider visiting every week. As you can read above, this is the second installment of…


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